
Our Membership

Membership shall be open to any person who supports the objects of the Association, agrees to be bound by its rules and fulfils the criteria as outlined in the constitution. Application forms for membership will be available through any member of the committee and upon acceptance of the application by the Committee and upon payment of the first annual subscription (if applicable), the applicant shall be a member of the Association.

Our Principles clearly state that there shall be:


Non-interference in the political, religious and other beliefs held by members of the Association


Members are to promote mutual respect, solidarity, friendship, charity, non-discrimination and equality among each other and society at large.


To represent and further the interests of people of Zimbabwean origin & stakeholders in Western Australia.


To serve Zimbabweans in Western Australia

  • To promote co-operation among people of Zimbabwean origin living in Western Australia and to co-operate with similar associations elsewhere in Australia.

  • To promote participation in the development of a multi-cultural society in Western Australia and to participate in state and national activities in pursuance of the like.

  • To establish a funeral assistance fund for Members and to engage in fund-raising for the

  • To participate as custodians of sound Zimbabwean cultural values and norms in

  • To do all such other things as may be incidental or necessary/incidental for the attainment of these purposes.


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